.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Localization; PHP .. _extension-localization-php: ==================== Localization in PHP ==================== Sometimes you have to localize a string in PHP code, for example inside of a controller or a user function. Which method of localization to use depends on the current context: .. contents:: :local: Localization in plain PHP ========================= .. note:: The :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageService` could formerly be accessed via the global variable :php:`$GLOBALS['LANG']`. This is now discouraged. Use :php:`LanguageServiceFactory` instead. The :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageService` is available if a backend user has been initialized, in particular in the following contexts: * frontend: only if there is a logged-in backend user * backend: always, except in :guilabel:`Admin Tools` modules (e.g. within :guilabel:`Upgrade Wizard` in the backend) * install tool / install tool modules in backend (e.g. Upgrade Wizard): no * in cli: only if a backend user was initialized, e.g. by `TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap::initializeBackendUser()` The :php:`LanguageServiceFactory` can be used to instantiate. Please see the examples below. :ref:`The methods provided by the instantiated LanguageService ` class then be used to translate texts using the language keys of XLIFF language files. Localization in frontend context -------------------------------- In plain PHP use the class :ref:`LanguageServiceFactory ` to create a :ref:`LanguageService ` from the current site language: .. literalinclude:: _php/MyUserFunction.php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/UserFunction/MyUserFunction.php :ref:`DependencyInjection` should be available in most contexts where you need translations. Also the current request is available in entry point such as custom non-Extbase controllers, user functions, data processors etc. Localization in backend context ------------------------------- In the backend context you can use the global variable :php:`$GLOBALS['LANG']` which contains the :ref:`LanguageService `. .. literalinclude:: _php/MyBackendClass.php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/Backend/MyBackendClass.php .. attention:: During development you are usually logged into the backend. So the global variable :php:`$GLOBALS['LANG']` might be available in the frontend. Once logged out it is usually not available. **Never** depend on :php:`$GLOBALS['LANG']` in the frontend unless you know what you are doing. Localization without context ---------------------------- If you should happen to be in a context where none of these are available, for example a static function, you can still do translations: .. literalinclude:: _php/MyUtility.php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/Utility/MyUtility.php .. _extension-localization-extbase: Localization in Extbase ======================= In :ref:`Extbase ` context you can use the method :ref:`\\TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Utility\\LocalizationUtility::translate($key, $extensionName) `. This method requires the localization key as the first and the extension's name as optional second parameter. For all available parameters see :ref:`below `. Then the corresponding text in the current language will be loaded from this extension's :file:`locallang.xlf` file. The method :php:`translate()` takes translation overrides from TypoScript into account. See :ref:`localization-typoscript-LOCAL_LANG`. Example ------- In this example the content of the flash message to be displayed in the backend gets translated: .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Extbase/Controllers/PhpLocalization.rst.txt The string in the translation file is defined like this: .. literalinclude:: _php/locallang.xlf :language: xml :emphasize-lines: 8 The :php:`arguments` will be replaced in the localized strings by the `PHP function sprintf `__. This behaviour is the same like in a :ref:`Fluid translate ViewHelper with arguments `. Examples ======== .. _example-localization-middleware: Provide localized strings via JSON by a middleware -------------------------------------------------- In the following example we use the :ref:`language service API ` to provide a list of localized season names. This list could then be loaded in the frontend via Ajax. You can finde the complete example on `GitHub, EXT:examples, HaikuSeasonList `__. As we do not need a full frontend context with TypoScript the JSON is returned by a :ref:`PSR-15 middleware `. Beside other factories needed by our response, we inject the :ref:`LanguageServiceFactory ` with :ref:`constructor dependency injection `. .. include:: _php/_LanguageServiceFactoryDI.rst.txt The main method :php:`process()` is called with a :php:`Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface` as argument that can be used to detect the current language and is therefore passed on to the private method :php:`getSeasons()` doing the actual translation: .. include:: _php/_ProcessMiddleware.rst.txt Now we can let the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageServiceFactory` to create a :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageService` from the request's language, falling back to the default language of the site. The :php:`LanguageService` can then be queried for the localized strings: .. include:: _php/_LanguageServiceSl.rst.txt