.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: GIFBUILDER; SHADOW .. _gifbuilder-shadow: ====== SHADOW ====== Creates a shadow under the associated text. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-properties: Properties ========== .. contents:: :local: .. _gifbuilder-shadow-blur: blur ---- .. confval:: blur :name: gifbuilder-shadow-blur :type: integer (1-99) / :ref:`stdWrap ` Blurring of the shadow. Above 40 only values of 40,50,60,70,80,90 are relevant. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-color: color ----- .. confval:: color :name: gifbuilder-shadow-color :type: :ref:`data-type-GraphicColor` / :ref:`stdWrap ` The color of the shadow. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-intensity: intensity --------- .. confval:: intensity :name: gifbuilder-shadow-intensity :type: integer (1-100) / :ref:`stdWrap ` How "massive" the shadow is. This value can - if it has a high value combined with a blurred shadow - create a kind of soft-edged outline. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-offset: offset ------ .. confval:: offset :name: gifbuilder-shadow-offset :type: x,y / :ref:`stdWrap ` The offset of the shadow. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-opacity: opacity ------- .. confval:: opacity :name: gifbuilder-shadow-opacity :type: integer (1-100) / :ref:`stdWrap ` The degree to which the shadow conceals the background. Mathematically speaking: Opacity = Transparency^-1. E.g. 100% opacity = 0% transparency. Only active with a value for :ref:`gifbuilder-shadow-blur`. .. _gifbuilder-shadow-textObjNum: textObjNum ---------- .. confval:: textObjNum :name: gifbuilder-shadow-textObjNum :type: positive integer / :ref:`stdWrap ` Must point to the :ref:`TEXT ` object, if these shadow properties are not properties to a TEXT object directly ("stand-alone shadow"). Then the shadow needs to know which TEXT object it should be a shadow of! If - on the other hand - the shadow is a property to a :ref:`TEXT ` object, this property is not needed.