.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _developers: Developers manual ----------------- .. _developers-hooks: Hooks ^^^^^ This extension provides two hooks that can be used by developers: postprocessReturnValue This hook comes at the end of the filter's evaluation. It receives a reference to the :code:`\Tesseract\Datafilter\Component\DataFilter` object. This makes it possible to access (using :code:`getFilter()`) and modify (using :code:`setFilter()`) the current values of the filter. Any class meaning to use this hook must implement the :code:`\Tesseract\Datafilter\PostprocessFilterInterface` interface. postprocessEmptyFilterCheck This hook comes at the end of the empty filter check. It can be used to modify the result of the :code:`isFilterEmpty()` method. It receives as parameters the current value of the empty filter check (a boolean) and a reference to the calling :code:`\Tesseract\Datafilter\Component\DataFilter` object. It is expected to return a boolean value (true if the filter can be considered to be empty, false otherwise). Any class meaning to use this hook must implement the :code:`\Tesseract\Datafilter\PostprocessEmptyFilterCheckInterface` interface.