This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

What does it do?ΒΆ

This extension provides a way to force the fe_users to change his password on his first login. It's using a hook present in felogin to test if it's the first time the user log into and if it's the case, we generate the felogin change password link and redirect directly to this page.

So the change password process is the existing one in the felogin extension, the html template too.

We add another tool in this extension by adding a task in the Typo3's scheduler. This task search all the frontend users to reset the account with a random password and send the credentials by email. When the user will log into the website, he will be force to change his password.

All the fe_users can be selected, or users who are present on a specifc usergroup, or users who are nont present on a specific usergroup.