.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _changelog: Change Log ========== .. tabularcolumns:: |r|p{13.7cm}| ======= ======================================================================= Version Changes ======= ======================================================================= 2.4.2 - Changed: respect all domains of a page, not only those on root pages 2.4.1 - Bugfix: in TYPO3 7.6 only the first selected error group of a page gets saved - Bugfix: SQL syntax error when no level page is selected 2.4.0 - New Feature: error groups for specific exceptions - Manual: corrections 2.3.2 - Bugfix: Logging in ExceptionHandler is missing - Bugfix: Low level exceptions aren't handled 2.3.1 - Fix: rename default cache directory - Bugfix: the scheduler tasks fails if the cache directory does not exist 2.3.0 - New Feature: configurable cache directory - New Feature: page property to configure the target level of an error page - New Feature: ExtConf setting for making page property "error type" a multi select - Changed: Do not flush the static file cache before it got rebuild when using the scheduler task - Changed: Flushing the static file cache no longer deletes the directory but its content - Bugfix: Unwanted triggering of some TSFE hooks from other extensions when rendering page URLs in backend - Bugfix: On save a page is cached as often as it as translations 2.2.1 - Bugfix: When updating a translated error page the cache isn't updated 2.2.0 - New Feature: Configurable default language that is used to generate error pages for URLs without a path. Needed for websites that always use a language prefix. - Bugfix: PHP Error in EditDocumentControllerHook when deleted a page 2.1.2 - Bugfix: PHP error when executing the scheduler task in CLI mode - Bugfix: The static error pages get deleted when "all caches" are flushed 2.1.1 - Bugfix: Do not use "&TYPO3_CONF_VARS" - Bugfix: Correctly set the ProductionExceptionHandler 2.1.0 - Rework the caching - Remove direct support for ext:realurl - New Feature: differentiate between various TYPO3 status exceptions - New Feature: grouping errors for a common handling, configurable via $TYPO3_CONF_VARS - New Feature: compression of statically cached files - Add status reports - Add documentation - Add TYPO3 8.7 compability 2.0.0 - Release for TYPO3 7.6 only 1.3.2 - Feature: added language support 1.3.1 - Bugfix: solving the TypoScript configuration of items with stdWrap fails 1.3.0 - Added compability with TYPO3 6.0 to 6.2 1.2.7 - Fixed ext_emconf.php 1.2.6 - Added description to ext_emconf.php 1.2.5 - Updated our email address 1.2.4 - Added dependency to TYPO3 CMS 4.5.x and above - required for TER ! 1.2.2 - Removed dependency to TYPO3 >= 4.6.0, which was insert with the last version Included backwards compatibility to version TYPO3 4.5 1.2.1 - Removed dependency to TYPO3 >= 4.6.0, which was insert with the last version Included backwards compatibility to version TYPO3 4.5 1.2.0 - Compatibility release for TYPO3 6.0 - Added dependency to TYPO3 >= 4.6.0 1.1.0 - Added some new default markers. - Added the SocialSharePrivacy plugin from Heise. - Added the extension updater to insert some dummy data. Now you can barely work out of the box with these data. 1.0.5 - Bugfixed default url token for TYPO3 >=4.4.0. 1.0.4 - Added new placeholder token ###URLGET###, which consider GET request parameters. 1.0.3 - Added required_once condition and suggestion for dam extension. 1.0.2 - Bugfixed uncoded url parameter. 1.0.1 - Moved status to stable. - pi1/class.tx_form4socialmedialinks_pi1.php: Bugfixed broken file icon path without tx_dam. (Thanks to Chris Berhard for his bug report and fix.) - res/css/default.css: update social media icon/image attributes - Added context sensitive help 1.0.0 - first TER release ======= =======================================================================