This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: Metadata in TS

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:Xavier Perseguers
Keywords:exif, iptc, xmp, metadata, picture, photo, image
Author:Xavier Perseguers
Info 3:
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: Metadata in TS - metadata_ts

EXT: Metadata in TS

Extension Key: metadata_ts


Keywords: exif, iptc, xmp, metadata, picture, photo, image

Copyright 2008-2010, Xavier Perseguers <>

This document is published under the Open Content Licenseavailable from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: Metadata in TS 1

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__1893_111854446>`_

What does it do? 3

Screenshots 3

`Users manual 4 <#__RefHeading__1899_111854446>`_

`Administration 5 <#__RefHeading__1901_111854446>`_

`Configuration 6 <#__RefHeading__1903_111854446>`_

Extension Configuration 6

Reference 6

`Tutorial 8 <#__RefHeading__1909_111854446>`_

Photo gallery 8

Automatically rotating pictures 8

`Known problems 10 <#__RefHeading__1915_111854446>`_

`To-Do list 11 <#__RefHeading__1917_111854446>`_

`Further information 12 <#__RefHeading__2240_111854446>`_

`Have more fun with TYPO3! 12 <#__RefHeading__2242_111854446>`_

`ChangeLog 13 <#__RefHeading__1919_111854446>`_


What does it do?

This extension lets users extract metadata from files using TypoScript.


A screenshot does not make much sense but I know that it is visually more impressive with one. Thus here is a screenshot of a sample picture I watermarked dynamically with the photograph's name.


Users manual

The screenshot was created with TS below:

page = PAGE
page.10 = IMAGE
page.10.file = GIFBUILDER
page.10.file {
      XY = [10.w],[10.h]

      10 = IMAGE
      10.file = EXT:metadata_ts/samples/wbtc05.jpg
      10.file.maxW = 400

      20 = TEXT
      20 {
            offset = [10.w]-[20.w]-10,[10.h]-[20.h]+5
            fontColor = #ffffff
            fontSize = 15

            text.cObject = FILEINFO
            text.cObject {
         = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile
                  metadata.field = EXIF:Author // IPTC:2#080|0
                  noTrimWrap = |(c) | |


Install the extension as usual.


Extension Configuration

External tools may be specified for extracting EXIF and IPTC data. This is particularly useful if you encounter character set conversion problems with PHP built-in methods for dealing with EXIF and IPTC information.

This extension was tested with command-line tools “exif” and “exiv2”. Proper parameters should ensure that a machine-readable output is generated. The key column is used in TypoScript to retrieve a given value.


Suggested configuration:

/usr/bin/exif -m -i

Output will be something like this:

0x010f      Canon
0x0110      Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
0x0112      top - left
0x011a      180.00
0x011b      180.00
0x0128      Inch
0x0131      Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh
0x0132      2008:07:19 10:46:01
0x013b      Xavier Perseguers
0x0213      centered
0x0103      JPEG compression
0x011a      72.00
0x011b      72.00
0x0128      Inch
0x829a      1/1000 sec.
0x829d      f/7.1

Columns in the output are separated by a tabulator (“t”), Key column is at position 0 and Value column at position “1”.


Suggested configuration:

/usr/bin/exiv2 -px

Output will be something like this:

Xmp.exif.ExposureTime                        XmpText     6  1/1000
Xmp.exif.FNumber                             XmpText     5  F7.1
Xmp.exif.ExifVersion                         XmpText     4  2.21
Xmp.exif.DateTimeOriginal                    XmpText    25  2005-07-09T13:20:45+01:00
Xmp.exif.DateTimeDigitized                   XmpText    25  2005-07-09T13:20:45+01:00
Xmp.exif.CompressedBitsPerPixel              XmpText     3  3/1
Xmp.exif.ShutterSpeedValue                   XmpText    12  1/1000 s
Xmp.exif.ApertureValue                       XmpText    12  F7.1
Xmp.exif.ExposureBiasValue                   XmpText     3  0
Xmp.exif.MaxApertureValue                    XmpText    12  194698/65536
Xmp.exif.MeteringMode                        XmpText     1  Multi-segment
Xmp.exif.FocalLength                         XmpText     4  70.0 mm
Xmp.exif.FlashpixVersion                     XmpText     4  1.00
Xmp.exif.ColorSpace                          XmpText     1  sRGB
Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension                     XmpText     4  1280
Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension                     XmpText     3  853
Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneXResolution               XmpText    11  3443.95
Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneYResolution               XmpText    11  3442.02
Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit            XmpText     1  inch
Xmp.exif.SensingMethod                       XmpText     1  One-chip color area
Xmp.exif.FileSource                          XmpText     1  Digital still camera

Columns are separated by one or more spaces (“s+”), Key column is at position 0 and Value column at position 3.


file /+stdWrap


file /+stdWrap

Data type



Defines the file to extract metadata from





Data type



Sets the content to the value $cObj->data[metata.field]

Example: Set content to the value of field “Xmp.exif.ExposureTime”. As it is an EXIF data, prefix it with “EXIF:” and set “.metadata.field = EXIF:Xmp.exif.ExposureTime”

$cObj->data changes. Activate debug mode to list available keys!

Note: You can also divide fieldnames by “//”. Say, you set “EXIF:Author // IPTC:2#080|0” as the value, then the content from the field EXIF:Author will be returned unless it is a blank string, in which case field IPTC:2#080|0 is returned.





Data type



If set, content of $cObj->data is passed to standard method debug().

This is useful if you want to discover available fields that may be used to extract metadata.




Here you would show an example of the stuff from the reference or so:

page = PAGE
page.typeNum = 0
page.10 = FILEINFO
page.10.file = EXT:metadata_ts/samples/wbtc05.jpg
page.10.debug = 1
page.10.metadata.field = EXIF:Author // IPTC:2#080|0


Automatically rotating pictures

Following code will automatically rotate the picture you specify. Many newer digital cameras (both dSLR and Point & Shoot digicams) have a built-in orientation sensor. Virtually all Canon and Nikon digital cameras have an orientation sensor. The output of this sensor is used to set the EXIF orientation flag in the image file's metadata to reflect the positioning of the camera with respect to the ground. Canon calls their sensor the “Intelligent Orientation” sensor. It is presumably a 2-axis tilt sensor, allowing 4 possible orientations to be detected (shown in the diagram below):


page.10 = CASE
page.10.key.cObject = FILEINFO
page.10.key.cObject.file = fileadmin/photos/IMG_1040.JPG
page.10.key.cObject.metadata.field = EXIF:Orientation

      # Orientation is landscape
page.10.default = IMAGE
page.10.default {
      file < page.10.key.cObject.file
      file.maxH = 400
      file.maxW = 400
      altText.cObject < page.10.key.cObject
      altText.cObject.metadata.field = IPTC:2#005|0

      # Orientation is portrait
page.10.6 < page.10.default
page.10.6.file.params = -rotate 90
page.10.8 < page.10.default
page.10.8.file.params = -rotate -90

Known problems


To-Do list

  • Supporting other metadata as EXIF and IPTC for pictures
  • Supporting any file type that may contain metadata (sound, PDF, movies, ...)
  • Using metaExtract* services instead of recoding all metadata extraction procedures

Further information

Do not hesitate to visit the extension's website on Forge:

Have more fun with TYPO3!


See file Changelog.