This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Configuration Reference

Typoscript Constants:

keepEmailAddressUnique (default: 1)
remove tt_address records with the same email-address on subscription
includeJQuery (default: 1)
Include jQuery library: disable if jQuery is already available
removeAddress (default: 1)
Remove email-address on cancel subscription: remove tt_address records on cancle subscription. disable to just hide them
Email sender address for address-verification-emails. If not set, no mails will be sent!
Email sender name for address-verification-emails
Path to Scripts (default: typo3conf/ext/mmc_directmail_subscription/Resources/Public/Scripts/)

Storage for tt_address

  • 'Default storage PID' of the extension
  • 'Record Storage Page' of the FE-Plugin