.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ============= openNewspaper ============= :Author: Christopher :Created: 2010-12-18T19:57:23 :Changed: 2013-03-07T13:14:13 :Classification: Newspaper :Description: The keywords help with categorizing and tagging of the manuals. You can combine two or more keywords and add additional keywords yourself. Please use at least one keyword from both lists. If your manual is NOT in english, see next tab "language" ---- forEditors (use this for editors / german "Redakteure") forAdmins (use this for Administrators) forDevelopers (use this for Developers) forBeginners (manuals covering TYPO3 basics) forIntermediates (manuals going into more depth) forAdvanced (covering the most advanced TYPO3 topics) ---- :Keywords: publishing system, newspaper, forEditors, forAdmins, forDevelopers, forIntermediates :Author: Jens Chorus :Email: info@opennewspaper.org :Language: en .. _img-1-img-2-openNewspaper: |img-1| |img-2| openNewspaper ============================= Extension Key: Newspaper Language: en Version: 1.4.5 Keywords: publishing system, newspaper, forEditors, forAdmins, forDevelopers, forIntermediates Copyright 2006-2013, Helge Preuß, Jens Chorus, Oliver Schröder, Roland Schröder, Ramon Zöllner, Samuel Talleux - This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.org .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **`openNewspaper 1 <#__RefHeading__5708_1738894311>`_** **`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__7370_1154228184>`_** `What does it do? 3 <#__RefHeading__463_413120346>`_ `Concepts 3 <#__RefHeading__4192_1154228184>`_ **`Tutorial 5 <#__RefHeading__31523_818911409>`_** `Introduction 5 <#__RefHeading__4194_1154228184>`_ `Dependencies 5 <#__RefHeading__4196_1154228184>`_ `Make Backups 5 <#__RefHeading__4198_1154228184>`_ `Install and configure openNewspaper 5 <#__RefHeading__4200_1154228184>`_ `Install the extension 5 <#__RefHeading__4202_1154228184>`_ `Copy default templates 5 <#__RefHeading__4204_1154228184>`_ `Basic configuration 6 <#__RefHeading__4206_1154228184>`_ `Using the openNewspaper backend 8 <#__RefHeading__4208_1154228184>`_ **`Administration 16 <#__RefHeading__31511_818911409>`_** `User TSConfig 16 <#__RefHeading__1862_640737071>`_ `Page TSConfig 17 <#__RefHeading__1864_640737071>`_ `TS-Config for frontend and backend configuration 18 <#__RefHeading__1866_640737071>`_ `TS-Config only for frontend 19 <#__RefHeading__1868_640737071>`_ `openNewspaper templates 19 <#__RefHeading__1961_640737071>`_ .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ openNewspaper is a TYPO3 based content management system, optimized for newspapers, journals, magazines and other institutions publishing on the Internet. The software supports the editorial process and provides a solid basis for a coherent but flexible web-layout . The intuitive interfaces enables editors to easily publish content without the need for technical expertise while providing a range of widely used media elements for use within the articles. .. _Concepts: Concepts ^^^^^^^^ .. _Articles: Articles """""""" Any newspaper consists of a number of articles. The article is the basic building block of a newspaper. A typical article consists of a header, a kicker, a teaser and/or an introduction, and the article text. However, any article, especially online articles, can consist of many more elements. In openNewspaper these elements are called Extras or “web elements”. These Extras are placed in an article before or after paragraphs of text. Placing Extras in an article is called placement. .. _Default-extra-placement: Default extra placement """"""""""""""""""""""" Usually, an article should have a certain number of predefined extras. For example every article could be required to have an image. The extras required for articles might change depending on the sections the article is in - in the commentary section articles may have no image. For that reason it is possible to define the extras that are associated with an article by default, per section. The position of the extras in the article is also defined per section. Not only does the default placement depend on the section an article is in, but also on the type of article. For instance, an interview might be required to always display a short biography of the interview partner, while a standard article would not. To distinguish the type of article and subsequently the correct default placement, the user can define an article type and the corresponding default placement. .. _Sections: Sections """""""" Articles are grouped into sections. When the reader visits a landing page for a section on the website, he or she expects to see a list of articles belonging to that section. The articles belonging to a section are managed in Article lists. Sections can be arranged in a tree-like structure. The "Politics" section may have national and international politics as subsections. Only articles from the "National" section can appear on the landing page for the "National" section, but articles from both "National" and "International" can appear on the "Politics" landing page. A section is comprised not only of a landing page, but also of other pages. All sections are usually grouped under a root section. The landing page of the "root" section is the "Start" or "Home" page of the online newspaper. Articles from all sections can appear on the "Home" page. An article can belong to more than one section, if required. That way an article can appear both in the "Politics" and "Culture" sections, for example. Which articles actually appear on a section landing page, is a matter of editorial decision. The articles and their order are managed in article lists. Often the articles should appear simply in the order in which they were published, with the newest at the top. But even in this case it may be necessary to tweak the order in which they appear. For that reason these lists are called semiautomatic. In other cases the order of articles is determined entirely by the editor. These article lists are called manual. .. _Pagetypes-and-Pagezones: Pagetypes and Pagezones """"""""""""""""""""""" Examples for the most common pagetypes are the section- and the articlepage. There may be other possible applications, such as a dedicated pagetype for your marketing pages. Pagetypes serve as a container to which you can assign pagezones. Examples for pagezones are a main column and a smaller column on the right side of your page. While this may be a desired setup for your section and article pages, you may want your marketing page to use only one pagezone with a center column. In the example below we would create two pagetypes for the article page and the section page and assign the pagezones *maincolumn* and *rightcolumn* . We would create an additional page type for the marketing page and assign the pagezone *centercolumn* . We would then use the openNewspaper placement module to place extras inside these *pagezones* . |img-3| Tutorial -------- .. _Introduction: Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This tutorial will guide you through the the initial setup of the openNewspaper extension for TYPO3 and the first steps in creating sections and publishing articles. In order to better understand the terms used in this tutorial, we recommend your read the brief article on the concepts used in openNewspaper. .. _Dependencies: Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Apart from a working TYPO3 installation you will need to install the following extensions: - Smarty Template Engine ( `http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/smarty/current/ `_ ) - Make sure you have the "Extbase Framework for Extensions" installed / activated - Fluid Template Engine .. _Make-Backups: Make Backups ^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Before you continue any further backup your database and you TYPO3 directory. The openNewspaper extensions will make extensive modifications to your database!** .. _Install-and-configure-openNewspaper: Install and configure openNewspaper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _Install-the-extension: Install the extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First install the extension and set the document root of the newspaper installation in this field "Path of Typo3 newspaper installation". For example, if you have apache already pointing to the newspaper directory on your server then this should probably be “/”. Confirm the database updates and reload the backend. You should see the openNewspaper menu items appear on the bottom left. Don't bother clicking anything yet. As we haven't setup any pages or sections nothing much will be happening at this point. .. _Copy-default-templates: Copy default templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the folder for the template sets. A template set *default* is required! :: /fileadmin/templates/newspaper/template_sets/default The structure for template directories is: :: /fileadmin/templates/newspaper/template_sets////.tmpl For example an article-list template in the template set default on a section page in the center-coloumn might be found in :: /fileadmin/templates/newspaper/template_sets/default/section/center-coloumn/tx_newspaper_extra_articlelist.tmpl Now copy the templates delivered with the extension. From the root of your TYPO3 install: :: cp typo3conf/ext/newspaper/res/templates/* fileadmin/templates/newspaper/template_sets/default/ Make sure the templates directory is readable by your webserver. .. _Basic-configuration: Basic configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First create a root page, name it *Newspaper* and move the Newspaper sysfolder below that page. Now edit the *Newspaper* page and add the template path in the TSConfig field (Page->edit->Resources): :: #Location of the openNewspaper template--Folders: newspaper.defaultTemplate = fileadmin/templates/newspaper Note that the path has to correspond to the path you created above for the templates! .. _Create-an-article-type: Create an article type """""""""""""""""""""" In the TYPO3 list module open the *Newspaper* sysfolder, select the sysfolder *Articletype* and create a new record *Article type* . You have to specify a title and an internal name (only lower case letters) for TSConfig usage. .. _Create-page-types: Create page types """"""""""""""""" As in creating article types open the *Newspaper* sysfolder, select the sysfolder *Pagetype* and create two new records of the type *Page type:* *Sectionpage* and *Articlepage* . For the *Articlepage* set the *Associated GET variable* to *art* . .. _Create-page-zone-types: Create page zone types """""""""""""""""""""" As above create two p *age zone types* , *Maincolumn* and *Rightsidecolumn* . Then create one additional *Page zone type* named *ArticleDisplayArea* . This p *age zone type* will be used by openNewspaper to render the article and thus should have the box checked: *Can contain articles* . .. _Create-preview-page: Create preview page """"""""""""""""""" Create a page somewhere in your page tree and name it *Preview* . Check the ID of that page, than go to list view and add the following TSConfig code on your openNewspaper root page: :: newspaper.be.previewPageUid = 38 #Substitute your corresponding ID .. _Create-dossier-page: Create dossier page """"""""""""""""""" Create a page somewhere in your page tree and name it *Dossier* . Check the ID of that page, than go to list view and add the following TSConfig code on your openNewspaper root page: :: newspaper.dossier_page_id = 39 #Substitute your corresponding ID While you are here, also set the get parameter for the dossier article list. We will use this later to get all articles for a particular control tag (see below). :: newspaper.dossier_get_parameter = dossier .. _Create-sections: Create sections """"""""""""""" You can easily create section by using the wizard provided in the openNewspaper Section-Module. Please see the explanation below regarding the choice of *manual* and *semi-automatic article lists* . We suggest the following section for demonstration purposes: Start - Regional - Utopia - Metropolis - International - Politics - Economics |img-4| Creating sections manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to know more about how newspaper records are mapped to TYPO3 pages, you can follow this guide to manually create some sections. It will provide you with a better understanding of openNewspaper and introduce some some advanced topics such as template sets and pagezones. .. _Create-the-section-records: Create the section records '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Add a record to the sysfolder *Section* of the type section, name it start and save. Now create the other sections and assign the appropriate parent sections. Edit each section and configure the options. Make sure to check the check-boxes article page and section page for each section. Also add the pagezones defined earlier. Note, that you can define a custom template set for each section in the corresponding drop down menu. .. _Create-the-TYPO3-pages-for-the-section-records: Create the TYPO3 pages for the section records '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Next, for each section create a TYPO3 page. Name the page accordingly and select an associated section by choosing the extended tab, clicking on the folder icon and choosing the appropriate section from within the sysfolder Newspaper->Section within the element browser. Now create a page content element and insert the plugin *"Display Resorts/Articles"* found under plugins. Repeat the process until you have a page for each created section and make sure the order of pages reflect the correct hierarchy as front end menus are derived from them. .. _Render-openNewspaper-extension-output: Render openNewspaper extension output """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" You will have to implement a way to render the plugin output on your TYPO3 pages. I.e. you can do this by using the automaketemplate extension. At this point you should have a very basic front end, displaying a simple list with your sections and some output written by the templates. .. _Configure-Parameters: Configure Parameters """""""""""""""""""" You must set the image sizes according to the template you plan on using. For details on more TSConfig parameters, please refere to the corresponding section in this manual: :: #Define image dimensions newspaper.image.basepath = uploads/images newspaper.image.size.teaser = 200x100 newspaper.image.size.kicker = 400x200 newspaper.image.size.article = 400x200 newspaper.image.size.popup = 800x400 newspaper.image.size.preview = 100x50 newspaper.image.size.micro = 20x10 .. _Using-the-openNewspaper-backend: Using the openNewspaper backend ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Up to this point all we discussed was about configuring the openNewspaper extension. Now we are starting to actually use the extension to place content on the site. .. _Basic-Content-Placement: Basic Content Placement """"""""""""""""""""""" .. _Section-Overview: Section Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigate to the openNewspaper extension and select *Content Placement* . Now select the *Start page* and make sure the dropdown menus on the far right are set to *Page = Sectionpage* and *Pagezone = Main Column". Then create a new extra by clicking the bottom and choose an extra* Section overview *in the appearing box.* This will lead you to a box allowing you to specify some other options, such as adding a description, controlling the number of articles displayed in the overview up to defining a custom template. Ignore these for now, save and close. .. _Article-Display: Article Display ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now navigate to the *Main Column* of the *Articlepage* in the drop down menu to the right and place an extra *Article Display Area* . As above for the *Sectionpage* the checkboxes will allow you to pass the created *Article Display Area* to the pages below. In combination with the checkbox *Show* this functionality can be used to easily customize all your front end pages, while maintaining the ability to easily change every single one of them. .. _Inheritance: Inheritance ~~~~~~~~~~~ While we are here, take note of the checkboxes *Show* and *Pass down* . These control whether an element is passed down to the next page beneath it (or even sideways - see TSConfig options) and whether it is shown on the current page. If a descendent page inherits an extra it can be configured in the same way. This will allow you to place all your regular elements on the start page and simply configure deviations down in the page tree if you wish to do so. |img-5| Publishing Your First Article ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is time to publish your first article. At this point this should just give you an idea of how the application works and what the various elements (extras) are good for. Make sure you have chosen the workflow role *Editor* . You can change your role by using the selector on to upper right section of the TYPO3 administration interface, just next to the *Clear cache* button. Go to *Production List* and trigger the button *New article* . This will start the *Create Article* wizard. Select one of the subsections we created earlier, i.e. Utopia. Up to now we have but one *Article type,* so select it and hit *Go* . |img-6| Now you should be in the article editor. Take a look around. Note the *Web Elements* tab and see the various extras you can utilize in your article just as you would on pages. Give your article a tag, such as *tutorial* . As we haven't got any other articles yet ignore the option *Related articles* for now and just leave a workflow message. In the *Article* tab fill in the required fields and hit *Send to duty editor* . This will close the editor and return your to the production list. Now change your active role to that of *Duty Editor* by clicking the icon on the upper right corner of the window. The *Production list* should now show the article you just sent for review to the *Duty editor* . Hover above the article and note the various icons appearing over it: *Publish, Placement (only visible as Duty Editor), Preview, Edit, Trash* and *Show all messages* . For now lets publish the article. Now take a look at the front end. If you go to the section *Utopia* you should see title and teaser of the article you just published. Following the link should take you to the *articlepage* displaying your article. We suggest you take some time to familiarize yourself with the article editor before you head on. Create some articles, place web elements in them and place the articles in various sections. .. _Production-list: Production list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Production list* is a central piece of the openNewspaper application. Most actions editors perform start here. Above you published your first article. Navigate to the *Production list* to see it. If you can't find it that is probably due to the filter settings on the far right of the screen. Adjust your filters accordingly and familiarize yourself with this tool. As soon as you have multiple editors publishing every day you will need it. Lets take a look on the various columns in the production list. The *State* tells you whether an article has been published or not. A published article will have a green background in this column. Note that the icon is a button for publishing an article or rescinding a publication. The column *Article* provides more information about the article, such as it's teaser, it's title, author publish date and the section in which it is appears. The last column *Messages* show the article history, including messages left by the editors and reviewers. Now hover over an article and you will note various buttons appearing above it. A button for publish /rescinding, placement, article preview, editing the article, deleting it and expanding its workflow messages. |img-7| Section Overview and Article Lists """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. _Semiautomatic-article-list: Semiautomatic article list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default article lists are semiautomatic. This means that they will automatically retrieve all articles that were placed directly (not subsections) in the section from which the users requested the article list. For example, placing a *Section overview* extra on the *Start page* and passing it down to the sections below will cause the front end to generate a list of all articles contained in the *Politics- Section* we created earlier. .. _Defining-featured-articles: **Defining featured articles** """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Using the little arrows on the right of the article list you can assign o *ffsets* to an individual article. By default the articles will be listed in chronological order of their publish date. By assigning o *ffsets* to an article you can modify its natural order in the list. Giving an article an o *ffset* of +3 will cause the article to be displayed above the next three articles published after that article, but below the fourth. .. _Manual-Article-List: **Manual Article List** """"""""""""""""""""""" A manual article list allows you to define all the articles that appear in it. This is useful if you want to display a selection of articles from different sections. To configure a manual article list, return to the TYPO3 list view and edit the *Start section* under the sysfolder *Newspaper->Section* . Now change the *Article list* from s *emiautomatic article list* to m *anual article list* and save. Navigate to the *Newspaper->Section list* menu item and compare the *Start section* with another section. Note how the start section now features a little folder icon. Click the folder icon and enter the a *rticle browser* . This allows you to search for articles using various filter options (author, section and text). Utilizing the p *lus* icon you can add articles to the list you just defined. Close the a *rticle browser* and save your list. Navigate to your frontend and see the articles you just select appear in the list view. Naturally you can control the order of m *anual article list* . Utilize the arrows to the right of the list in the backend to achieve this. .. _Custom-Article-List: **Custom Article List** """"""""""""""""""""""" Now let's say you wish to display a little box containing the first two articles of the *Start page* on every subpage of your site. Go to *Content placement* and place an extra *Display a list of articles* in the right column of your *Start* page. In the options set the list to start with the first article and stop at the second. Also give it a header like *Featured Articles* . Hit *Save* , refresh your front end and see the article list displayed as specified. .. _Article-Placement: Article Placement """"""""""""""""" Navigate to the *Article Placement* via the production list. Hover over an article (for example *Tutorial* ) and use the placement button to access the placement module for this article. The article placement module first presents us with a brief summary of the article we are about to place. Then follows the articles main section selection. Utopia is specified here as we selected that section in creating the article. Click the *Toggle view for automatic article lists* link to edit the article lists for all sections that have semiautomatic article lists. Below there is also the manual article list for *Start* in case we want to feature the article there. Now add the article to the section Politics, contained in the international resort and hit save. This will add another semiautomatic article list. Now we can modify the articles position in all these article lists. The process is explained above. Note that you have to utilize one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen to save your changes. .. _Control-tag-zones-tag-categories-and-control-tags: Control tag zones, tag categories, and control tags """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This example should illustrate the usage of multiple control tag zones to display content corresponding to the control tags assigned to a specific article. *Control tags* are very useful when you want to group a lot of articles from various sections around a particular subject, for example the US elections 2012. We want to be able to a) generate an article list for this subject, and b) display specific elements for all articles of that subject. We will create control tag zones in order to - to display an image - and provide information according to the control tags assigned to the article. .. _Create-a-control-tag-category: **Create a control tag category** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, create two control tag categories Dossier and Team. We could also do this with just one category, but it helps to start ordering your content right from the start. The dossier category will contain all tags used to group content around specific subjects. The Team category will serve as a repository for the team members and should illustrate a different use case for this feature. On the Newspaper sysfolder create two new records of the type Control tag category and name them accordingly. .. _Create-a-control-tag-zone: **Create a control tag zone** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next we have to create the Control tag zones. As will be shown in a different section of this tutorial, the same Control tag zone can be used in different places on your site. Hence, we recommend to name these zones according to their assigned function as opposed to their layout. In this example we will create the control tag zones Dossier Teaser Image, Dossier List and Author. .. _Configure-article-list-for-control-tags: Configure article list for control tags """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" If you haven't already done so, you will need to create a section to hold your control tags. Use the section wizard to create a section, i.e. *Dossier* . When you create a collection of articles for a specific subject, you may want to display all these articles in a list view. The *Dossier* section will serve as a dynamic page container to list articles according to their *control tags* . For this to work we must make sure that the TSConfig variables are set correctly and we will also have to alter the SQL query that generates the article list. Set these TSConfig parameters: :: newspaper.dossier_page_id = 39 #Substitute your corresponding ID newspaper.dossier_get_parameter = dossier Navigate to the openNewspaper *Section list* module and choose the dossier list. Use the link below the update and save buttons to configure the article list. The field *SQL table for listed articles* should hold this SQL query. :: tx_newspaper_article JOIN tx_newspaper_article_tags_mm ON tx_newspaper_article.uid = tx_newspaper_article_tags_mm.uid_local JOIN tx_newspaper_tag ON tx_newspaper_article_tags_mm.uid_foreign = tx_newspaper_tag.uid The field below *SQL Condition for listed Articles* should hold this line: :: tx_newspaper_tag.uid = $dossier Make sure the name of your $dossier variable corresponds to the defined get parameter in your TSConfig. .. _Create-control-tags: **Create control tags** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we are ready to create the *control tags* . Use the *openNewspaper* *control tags module* to create three *control tags* . When first navigating to the module, us the dropdown on the upper right and choose *Create dossier* . Create a *control tags* within the *Dossier* category. For example *US Election 2012* and one additional *control tag* *John Doe* in the *Team* category. We can now configure our *control tags* . Use the dropdown again to switch to the *Manage control tags* function. Start with your *US Election 2012* tag in the *Dossier* category. Note the *tag zones* you defined earlier under the *Unused tag zones* area. Add the d *ossier Teaser Image* *tag zone* to the *Active tag zones* area. A wizard will now guide you through the process of assigning an extra to your tag zone. Create an extra of the type image and upload an appropriate image. Next, add your *Dossier List* *tag zone* . Choose the extra *Display a list of articles* and select your *Dossier* section in the wizard. For your *John Doe* tag use the *Author* zone you defined earlier and use an *extra* of the type *Biobox* . You can use the *Assign to articles* function to assign your tags to multiple, existing articles. In the regular process your editors will probably use the function within the article wizard to directly assign tags while writing articles. Navigate to the *Content placement* module and choose the article page and the appropriate pagezone of the section where you want your content to appear. In this example we will use the right column of the article page to place the *control tag zones* . Use the *New extra* button to create the *control tag zones* and choose your configured zones from the drop down. Note, that you can define a default extra in case your article doesn't feature any control tag assigned to this tag zone. Congratulations! You just defined your first *control tag zones* . The image below should serve to further clarify how your content will be shown according to the tags assigned to an article. |img-8| **Place the control tag zone on a page** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using the openNewspaper *Content placement* module we will now select an article page and place the *Dossie Image control tag zone* in the right column of an article page. This will cause the image we just uploaded to be displayed on every article tagged *election 2012* . .. _Conclusions: Conclusions """"""""""" This concluded the quickstart tutorial. It's purpose is to provide a quick entry to the functions provided by the application. openNewspaper offers a wide variety of functions, which, when combined correctly, offer you a whole set of functions designed to provide a maximum amount of automation while, at the same time, retaining the possibilities to adjust functionality, layout and design at all levels. For this purpose subjects such as inheritance, templates, template sets, page zones, automatic and semi-automatic article lists, further TSConfig parameters and other subjects have to be elaborated. Please refer to the corresponding sections in this guide if you want to know more. .. _Administration: Administration -------------- .. _User-TSConfig: User TSConfig ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. _tx-newspaper-use-lorem: tx\_newspaper.use\_lorem """""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property tx\_newspaper.use\_lorem Data Type boolean Description Show Lorem-Ipsum button in the article wizard Default 0 .. _tx-newspaper-article-source-browser-width: tx\_newspaper.article\_source.browser\_width """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property tx\_newspaper.article\_source.browser\_width Data Type int+ Description Width of import article select box Default 430 .. _newspaper-be-hideExtra-extra-class-name: newspaper.be.hideExtra.[extra class name] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.be.hideExtra.[extra class name] Data Type *Either* 0: hide never ( **default** ) -1: hide always 1: hide in article 16: hide in content placement Description Regulates access control of extras in the openNewspaper Backend Default .. _newspaper-accessArticleTypes: newspaper.accessArticleTypes """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.accessArticleTypes Data Type list of uids Description List of article type uids Default .. _newspaper-accessSources: newspaper.accessSources """"""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.accessSources Data Type list of sources Description List of sources for article import Default .. _newspaper-article-defaultSource: newspaper.article.defaultSource """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.article.defaultSource Data Type string Description Default source for article import Default new .. _newspaper-articleWizard-hideControlTags: newspaper.articleWizard.hideControlTags """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.articleWizard.hideControlTags Data Type boolean Description Disable control tag backend in the article wizard Default 0 .. _newspaper-baseSections: newspaper.baseSections """""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.baseSections Data Type List of section UIDs Description List of sections available in the article wizard Default .. _newspaper-baseSectionsAsStartSection: newspaper.baseSectionsAsStartSection """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.baseSectionsAsStartSection Data Type List of section UIDs Description In the article wizard, the start section is not shown, but only it's children Default .. _newspaper-defaultRole: newspaper.defaultRole """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.defaultRole Data Type int+ Description 0 = Editororial Staff, 1 = Duty Editor Default 0 .. _newspaper-dossierWizard-showDossierUid: newspaper.dossierWizard.showDossierUid """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.dossierWizard.showDossierUid Data Type boolean Description Shows tag UID in the control tag module if set to 1 Default 0 .. _newspaper-editorMayPlace: newspaper.editorMayPlace """""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.editorMayPlace Data Type boolean Description If true, editors may also use the placement button inside the production list to control article placment Default 0 .. _newspaper-editorMayPublish: newspaper.editorMayPublish """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.editorMayPublish Data Type boolean Description If true, the *Editorial Staff* may publish Default 0 .. _newspaper-hideRoleSwitchModule: newspaper.hideRoleSwitchModule """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.hideRoleSwitchModule Data Type boolean Description If true, hide role switch element in TYPO3 backend Default 0 .. _newspaper-webmasterWizards: newspaper.webmasterWizards """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.webmasterWizards Data Type [In user TSConfig define: newspaper.webmasterWizards = w\_pz, w\_inheritance] Description w\_pz = deactivate pages and pagezones w\_inheritance = Set inheritance source on "inherit from the top" \|\| Set access controll for webmaster wizards Default .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### .. _Page-TSConfig: Page TSConfig ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. _newspaper-articletype-normalized-articletype-name-musthave: newspaper.articletype.[normalized articletype name].musthave """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.articletype.[normalized articletype name].musthave Data Type list of class names [+ ":" + paragraph] Description Define which extras are automatically created using the article wizard and which paragraph they will be assigned to. If an article is published with missing *musthave* extras, the extras are handled as *shouldhave* . Example: *newspaper.articletype.interview.musthave = tx\_np\_teaserimage:1, tx\_bp\_biokasten:-2* Default .. _newspaper-articleTypeAsUrl: newspaper.articleTypeAsUrl """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.articleTypeAsUrl Data Type list of article type uids Description Which article types should have *article* in the URI. Default .. _newspaper-articletype-normalized-articletype-name-shouldhave: newspaper.articletype.[normalized articletype name].shouldhave """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.articletype.[normalized articletype name].shouldhave Data Type list of class names [+ ":" + paragraph] Description These Extras will not be created automatically by the article wizard. However, in the article wizard shortcuts are provided for fast and easy access to the defined *Extras* Default .. _newspaper-be-dossierWizard-default-Extra-table-field: newspaper.be.dossierWizard.default.[Extra table].[field] """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.be.dossierWizard.default.[Extra table].[field] Data Type String Description Default value for an *Extra* field in the control tag wizard Example: ``newspaper.be.dossierWizard.default.tx\_newspaper\_extra\_t extbox.template = my\_template.tmpl`` Default -- .. _newspaper-be-extra-in-article-mode: newspaper.be.extra\_in\_article\_mode """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.be.extra\_in\_article\_mode Data Type tabbed Description Extra in Artikel TODO: Was heißt das? Default submodal .. _newspaper-be-previewPageUid: newspaper.be.previewPageUid """"""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.be.previewPageUid Data Type int+ Description uid of the preview page Default -- .. _newspaper-article-defaultSource: newspaper.article.defaultSource """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.article.defaultSource Data Type string Description Default-Source für the article import Default new .. _newspaper-horizontal-inheritance-enabled: newspaper.horizontal\_inheritance\_enabled """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.horizontal\_inheritance\_enabled Data Type boolean Description Enable horizontal inheritance (across pagetypes and pagezones) Default 0 .. _newspaper-dossierWizard-mustHaveTagzones: newspaper.dossierWizard.mustHaveTagzones """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.dossierWizard.mustHaveTagzones Data Type UID of tagzone[!extra class],... Description Configuration for the control tag module. Example: '2!tx\_newspaper\_image,1!tx\_newspaper\_textbox Default .. _newspaper-dossierWizard-shouldHaveTagzones: newspaper.dossierWizard.shouldHaveTagzones """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.dossierWizard.shouldHaveTagzones Data Type UID of tagzone[!extra class],... Description see newspaper.dossierWizard.mustHaveTagzones. shouldHave-Tagzones are overwritten by mustHave-Tagzones Default .. _newspaper-image-basepath: newspaper.image.basepath """""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.image.basepath Data Type string Description file system path for scaled images Default .. _newspaper-image-size-name: newspaper.image.size.[name] """"""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.image.size.[name] Data Type string Description name = name of image type, size: [px]x[px]; Example: newspaper.image.size.teaser = 200x100, newspaper.image.size.aufmacher = 400x200 Default .. _newspaper-image-format-name-label: newspaper.image.format.[name].label """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.image.format.[name].label Data Type string Description name: image size name; value: Label for dropdown in the backend TODO: Das ist noch unklar - welches Dropdown Default .. _newspaper-image-format-name-name-for-size: newspaper.image.format.[name].[name for size] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.image.format.[name].[name for size] Data Type string Description name = Name of image type, size: [px]x[px]; Example: newspaper.image.format.sonntaz.klein = 96x96 newspaper.image.format.sonntaz.gross = 192x192 newspaper.image.format.sonntaz.thumbnail = 40x40 Default .. _newspaper-rsync-host: newspaper.rsync\_host """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.rsync\_host Data Type hostname Description Host to which uploaded images are copied - if empty, no rsync is performed Default empty .. _newspaper-rsync-path: newspaper.rsync\_path """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.rsync\_path Data Type path Description Directory on ``rsync\_host`` to which uploaded images are copied - if empty, no rsync is performed Default empty .. _newspaper-rsync-user: newspaper.rsync\_user """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.rsync\_user Data Type UNIX user Description Optional: username on ``rsync\_host`` , if the apache user is different from the backend host, or if it does not have write permissions on ``rsync\_path`` . Passwordless login for ``rsync\_user`` must be configured. Default empty .. _newspaper-rsync-log: newspaper.rsync\_log """""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.rsync\_log Data Type filename Description File to which rsyncs of uploaded images are logged Default empty .. _newspaper-rsync-options: newspaper.rsync\_options """""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property newspaper.rsync\_options Data Type string Description additional options to rsync Default empty .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### .. _TS-Config-for-frontend-and-backend-configuration: TS-Config for frontend and backend configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following TS-Config configuration should be placed on the root TYPO3 page under which your *Start* page and the Newspaper SysFolder can be found. .. _Smarty-Templates: Smarty-Templates """""""""""""""" :: # Template--Folders: newspaper.defaultTemplate = fileadmin/templates/newspaper .. _Plugins-for-Smarty: Plugins for Smarty """""""""""""""""" :: # Where you can include smarty plugins (siehe Smarty Doc) # Added by default: fileadmin/templates/newspaper/smarty_plugins newspaper.smarty_plugins_dirs = .. _Dossier-Page: Dossier-Page """""""""""" :: # Id of TYPO3-page, where dossiers are generated newspaper.dossier_page_id = .. _Control-Tags: Control Tags """""""""""" :: Control tags are of type... # Default is 2 - TODO: Was gibt es für Types? # newspaper.control_tag_type = .. _TS-Config-only-for-frontend: TS-Config only for frontend ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: newspaper.db_exception_template [ = error_db_exception.tmpl ] # is shown when openNewspaper catches a database exception newspaper.default_exception_template [ = error_exception.tmpl ] # is shown when openNewspaper catches an openNewspaper exception .. _openNewspaper-templates: openNewspaper templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An openNewspaper page consists not only of articles and article lists, but has many other elements: Text boxes, images, videos, ads, etc. These elements are called *Extras* . An *Extra* can be placed in an article or on any page. The application is delivered with a set a set of nested smarty templates for the various elements that make up a page. The nested structure allows elements to be rendered according to their context and makes it very easy to introduce new elements. The figure below should serve for illustration. |img-9| As you can see in the illustration, the same extra may appear in the article, as well as in the right column of that page. Or for that matter, in any page or page zone you define. Or you might want images to be displayed completely different when viewed on your homepage. The openNewspaper template logic was designed to allow you to do just that. The templates of every element you use can be adjusted depending on the context in which they are employed. This illustration should serve to clarify. |img-10| Within the filesystem of your TYPO3 instance you can define a structure of directories reflecting your openNewspaper configuration. For any given element on any pagetype and pagezone the logic deciding which template openNewspaper will use is as follows. Starting from the template set you defined in setting up your openNewspaper configuration (this may well be called *default* if you followed the Quickstart tutorial), the application will try to find a directory corresponding to the pagetype you are currently employing the element in question. If it finds it it will look for a directory corresponding to the pagezone in which you placed your element. Inside the pagezone it will search for the corresponding template. If it doesn't find it, it will travel backwards down that tree and search in each directory for the correct template. Finally, it will default to the fallback template delivered with the application. .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 44 .. :id: graphics5 .. :name: graphics5 .. :vspace: 57 .. :width: 161 .. |img-2| image:: img-2.png .. :align: left .. |img-3| image:: img-3.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 283 .. :id: Grafik1 .. :name: Grafik1 .. :width: 631 .. |img-4| image:: img-4.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 289 .. :id: Grafik2 .. :name: Grafik2 .. :width: 300 .. |img-5| image:: img-5.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 209 .. :id: Grafik3 .. :name: Grafik3 .. :width: 631 .. |img-6| image:: img-6.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 624 .. :id: Grafik4 .. :name: Grafik4 .. :width: 631 .. |img-7| image:: img-7.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 381 .. :id: Grafik5 .. :name: Grafik5 .. :width: 631 .. |img-8| image:: img-8.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 374 .. :id: Grafik8 .. :name: Grafik8 .. :width: 631 .. |img-9| image:: img-9.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 459 .. :id: Grafik6 .. :name: Grafik6 .. :width: 631 .. |img-10| image:: img-10.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 276 .. :id: Grafik7 .. :name: Grafik7 .. :width: 631