.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Single view ----------- In this view, we have to deal with two problems: - positioning correctly the fields, - executing the plugin “wec\_map”. Positioning the fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The positioning of the fields is very simple in the “List” view because you can define the template. For the “Single” and “Edit” views, the positioning can be obtained using the “wrapItem” property. This property has the same syntax and the same behaviour as the “wrap” property in TypoScript. To perform the requested positioning, we will use
tags organized as follows: .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial10SingleViewPositionning.png The wrapping is done field by field. For example, the first field is “image”. It defines the beginning of the container
and the image
when the following property is used: :: wrapItem =
; - Analyze the “wrapItem” for all the fields, then open the file “sav\_library\_example10.css” in the “Resources/Private/Styles”directory to analyze the configuration. As it can be seen, the labels associated with the field are not displayed thanks to the {display:none;} CSS configuration. Let us note that the same result could have been obtained using the “cutLabel” property in the Kickstarter (see for example the “image” and “map” fields). Executing the plugin “wec\_map” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Executing a plugin in the extension can simply be done by means of the “tsObject” and “tsProperties” properties. The “tsObject” is a content object in TypoScript, that is TEXT, FILE, CONTENT, ... To include the pi1 of a plugin, the syntax is: :: tsObject = tag (). Therefore, a small piece of javascript must be added through the TypoScript. For example a COA can be used as follows: :: tsObject = COA; :: tsProperties = 10 = TEXT 10.dataWrap = 20 = < plugin.tx_wecmap_pi1 20 { height = 300 width = 300 showDirections = 0 prefillAddress = 0 initialMapType = G_NORMAL_MAP showInfoOnLoad = 0 controls { showOverviewMap = 0 showMapType = 1 showScale = 0 mapControlSize = small } markers.1 { title = ###title### street = ###address### city = ###city### zip = ###zip### country = ###country### } } ; :: cutIf = address = EMPTY; Let us note the use of “\;” in the 10.dataWrap property because the semicolon is the separator for configuration properties. The “cutIf” property checks if the “address” field is empty to cut the plugin if no address is provided (otherwise the google map API would return an error message). An example of an image with no address is shown below. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial10SingleViewWithoutAddress.png