.. include:: Images.txt .. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may install the extension via TER or download from https://github.com/Skyfillers/sf_simple_faq.git The installation and initial configuration of the extension is as following: 1. Include the static TypoScript configuration “Simple FAQ (sf\_simple\_faq)” in your TypoScript template 2. Create a new sysfolder in your page tree, where you create FAQs and categories. 3. It is necessary, thay you provide **plugin.tx_sfsimplefaq.settings.listPageUid and plugin.tx_sfsimplefaq.settings.detailPageUid** if you want to not show the answers in the list. 4. Include the plugin “Simple FAQ” on a page. If there is no TypoScript setting for the storagePid, the folder containing your FAQs needs to be set in the plugin und "Behaviour -> Record Storage Page". |img-res| 5. Set the necessary settings: 1. Show show the FAQs of all categories or only the FAQs of one category. 2. Show/Hide the category overview 3. Enable/Disable multiple selection of category in frontend 4. Show answers inside the list view or in a detail view. |img-settings| 6. You may include the little CSS file to give the layout some simple formatting: :: page.includeCSS { simple_faq = EXT:sf_simple_faq/Resources/Public/Css/simple_faq_default.css }