TYPO3 CMS Extension *simpleaddress* =================================== ## Table of contents Inhalt * [What does it do?](#what-does-it-do) * [Supported languages](#supported-languages) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Installation](#installation) * [TypoScript Setup](#TypoScript-Setup) * [TypoScript Constants](#TypoScript-Constants) * [RealURL Konfiguration](#RealURL) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Plugins](#plugins) * [Known problems](#known-problems) * [To Do](#to-do) ## What does it do? This extension offers an simple way for displaying an address block with or without a Google Maps and the address location on it. The address will rendered in vCard format and the whole template is full responsive because it based on Twitter Bootstrap. ## Supported languages * English * Deutsch ## Dependencies * See composer.json ## Installation 1. Install extension with composer ``` $ composer require sle/simpleaddress ``` 2. Add TypoScript template to your website root template 3. Include JavaScript ``` (function(win, $) { $.getScript('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&key=YOUR-API-KEY') .done(function() { win.SleSimpleaddress.initialize(); }); })(window, jQuery); ``` ``` page.includeJSFooter.file999 = EXT:simpleaddress/Resources/Public/js/simpleaddress.js ``` ## Configuration * You can change the default map marker icon in `Templates\Address\Show.html` by adding following attribute ```html data-map-marker-icon="{f:uri.resource(extensionName: 'my_ext_key', path: 'Icons/my_marker_icon.png', absolute: 1)}" ``` to ```html
``` ## Plugins ### Address * Displays the address block with or without a Google Maps ## Known problems neither ## To do Feel free and add a issue, pull request or ask for a missing feature.