.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _using-ajax-social-network-news: news ---- The same functions as for **tt_news** are also available for **news**. But the solution is is different: With **news** use the ViewHelpers provided in folder Classes/ViewHelpers/Social. These ViewHelper may be used as documented inside the php-files itself. You can use them in all templates and partials of **news** where you can send a news_id to the ViewHelper. Autoload up to TYPO3 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Up to TYPO3 7 toctoc_comments loads 2 viewHelper for **news** automaticaly in autoload.php. So for installations older tan TYPO3 7 please use these vViewHelpers. TYPO3 7 or newer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We recommend the following: For TYPO3 7 or newer you need to copy manually (sorry) the ViewHelpers from folder toctoc_comments/Classes/ViewHelpers/Social/TYPO3 7 and newer/ to folder news/Classes/ViewHelpers/Social/ Keep in mind to check the ViewHelpers after updates of **news** The 2 ViewHelpers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One of the ViewHelpers (ToctoccommentsViewHelper.php) is for display of the entire plugin. Like for **tt_news** you can send the TypoScript-Setup for toctoc_comments used in **news** directly from **news** TypoScript-Setup. The configuration for the plug-in is originating from TS, but every option can be overwritten from tx_news-TS setup: :: plugin.tx_news { # toctoc_comments configuration toctoc_comments { ratings { useVotes =0 useDislike =0 } } ... } The other ViewHelper (ToctoccommentscountViewHelper) creates a Link to the DETAILs of the news Here you can use Option "commentsShowCountText", if set to 1 only the number of comments will be rendered. If 0 (default) it will be a text like "No comments" :: plugin.tx_news { toctoc_comments { # text= 0, number=1 commentsShowCountText = 0 } } See file Classes/help_ViewHelpers_for_news.txt for more informationon how to use the ViewHelpers in templates and partials