This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Webstobe Page2flip Extension

This small extension provides a simple way to include a page2flip-document. Its build for a responsive website and for this purpose it includes a small amount of javascript and uses jquery as javascript framework.

Obviously this extension can be used to display any content that can be display in an iframe. ;)


Simple install over the extension-manager. Go to your template and include the static template called "Page2flip (ws_page2flip)".

The javscript-framework jQuery will be included on the page object trough the google cdn. To exclude it use the following typoscript.

page.includeJSlibs.jQuery >


There are only a small amount of flexform options. First of all the url which content should be loaded in the iframe. Then a width and a height of the container wich gives the possibility to calculate a ration an display the iframe in a proper way on any display size.

Nice to know

The extension adds a timestamp to the iframe url to avoid caching. This is a required solution in our case but maybe not for you. To disable this feature simple uncheck it in the flexform.

Known problems



24.12.2014 - First release.


Cornel Widmer,