.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-21638: ====================================================================== Breaking: #21638 - AbstractUserAuthentication::lockIP property removed ====================================================================== See :issue:`21638` Description =========== The IP-locking-functionality is extended from IPv4 only to now also support IPv6. A separate IpLocker-functionality was added. The public property :php:`lockIP` in :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\AbstractUserAuthentication` is now removed. It usually shouldn't have been accessed directly and supported IPv4 only. Impact ====== Extensions relying on :php:`lockIP` won't be able to perform their task anymore. This might for example be the case when :php:`lockIP` was set dynamically, depending on the REMOTE_ADDR. Affected Installations ====================== Every 3rd party extension depending on the formerly public :php:`lockIP` property is affected. Migration ========= Set :php:`lockIP` and :php:`lockIPv6` in :php:`TYPO3_CONF_VARS` - for FE or BE depending on the use case. Use the new :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\IpLocker` API. .. index:: Backend, Frontend, LocalConfiguration, NotScanned