.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-80420: ============================================================= Feature: #80420 - Allow multiple recipients in email finisher ============================================================= See :issue:`80420` Description =========== Mails sent by the :php:`EmailFinisher` of EXT:form can now have multiple recipients. For this the following new finisher options have been added: * :yaml:`recipients` (:code:`To`) * :yaml:`replyToRecipients` (:code:`Reply-To`) * :yaml:`carbonCopyRecipients` (:code:`CC`) * :yaml:`blindCarbonCopyRecipients` (:code:`BCC`) These options must contain a YAML hash with email addresses as keys and recipient names as values: .. code-block:: yaml recipients: first@example.org: First Recipient second@example.org: Second Recipient Additionally this now allows for setting the name of a CC and BCC recipient: .. code-block:: yaml carbonCopyRecipients: firstCC@example.org: First CC Recipient The form editor in the backend module provides a visual UI to enter an arbitrary amount of recipients. Impact ====== Mails sent by EXT:form can be sent to multiple recipients, optionally via CC or BCC. Replies can be sent to multiple recipients. .. index:: ext:form