.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-78488: ======================================================== Feature: #78488 - Add rel="noreferrer" to external links ======================================================== See :issue:`78488` Description =========== All links processed by :typoscript:`typolink` with external links opening in a new window have been extended to contain :html:`rel="noreferrer"`. Links opening in a new window are defined as those having an attribute :html:`target` which is either not empty, :html:`_self`, :html:`_top` or :html:`_parent`. .. note:: Initially this feature added :html:`rel="noopener noreferrer`. However :html:`noreferrer` also implies the property :html:`noopener`. Therefore, the latter was removed. Impact ====== This property improves the security of the site: :html:`noreferrer` This property prevents the browser, when navigating to another page, to send the page address, or any other value, as referrer in according HTTP header. :html:`noreferrer` also implies the property :html:`noopener`, which instructs the browser to open the link without granting the new browsing context access to the document that opened it. .. index:: Frontend