.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-84990: =============================================== Feature: #84990 - Mark broken file links in RTE =============================================== See :issue:`84990` Description =========== Links to files that were detected as broken by the system extension `linkvalidator` are now marked accordingly in the RTE via :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\Event\BrokenLinkAnalysisEvent`. Those links are now marked with extra markup (yellow background with red border) in RTE. The procedure for marking the broken links in the RTE is as follow: #. RTE content is fetched from the database. Before it is displayed in the edit form, RTE transformations are performed. #. The transformation function parses the text and detects links. #. For each link, a new PSR-14 event is dispatched. #. If a listener is attached, it may set the link as broken and will set the link as "checked". #. If a link is detected as broken, RTE will mark it as broken. The implementation for checking file links is supplied by the system extension `linkvalidator`. Other extensions can use the event to override the default behaviour. Impact ====== The behaviour stays the same as before unless the system extension `linkvalidator` is installed. If `linkvalidator` is installed and regularly checks for broken file links, those links will be marked in the RTE. If `linkvalidator` is used, it is recommended to use the scheduler to regularly check for broken links. .. index:: RTE, ext:linkvalidator