.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-89171: ============================================================= Feature: #89171 - Added possibility to have multiple sitemaps ============================================================= See :issue:`89171` Description =========== You can now also create multiple different sitemaps. This can be handy for situations, where different target systems need them in different format or order. (e.g. Google News Sitemaps) The syntax looks like this: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_seo { config { { sitemaps { { provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider config { ... } } } } } } Example: .. code-block:: typoscript seo_googlenews < seo_sitemap seo_googlenews.typeNum = 1571859552 seo_googlenews.10.sitemapType = googleNewsSitemap plugin.tx_seo { config { xmlSitemap { sitemaps { news { provider = GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider config { ... } } } } googleNewsSitemap { sitemaps { news { provider = GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider config { googleNews = 1 ... template = GoogleNewsXmlSitemap.html } } } } } } Impact ====== As it only gives the possibility to add multiple sitemaps, it won't affect any installation unless you add more sitemaps yourself. .. index:: ext:seo