.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-89747: ============================================================ Feature: #89747 - Custom tables with record browser in forms ============================================================ See :issue:`89747` Description =========== The record browser in forms now accepts arbitrary custom tables if configured accordingly. The option :yaml:`browsableType` of the :yaml:`Inspector-Typo3WinBrowserEditor` can be set to an arbitrary table: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: MyCustomElement: formEditor: editors: # ... 300: identifier: myRecord # ... browsableType: tx_myext_mytable propertyPath: properties.myRecordUid # ... Similar to the :yaml:`ContentElement` form element custom logic must be added in the matching frontend partial to actually display something for the selected record. Impact ====== Form definitions can be set up to allow editors the selection of arbitrary database records and then render them using custom logic. .. index:: Backend, ext:form