.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-93083: ======================================================== Breaking: #93083 - class.ext_update.php handling removed ======================================================== See :issue:`93083` Description =========== Handling of old :file:`class.ext_update.php` update scripts has been dropped: The core introduced a much more solid API for extensions to perform upgrades with the release of TYPO3 v9. That API matured and many extensions use it in favor of the clumsy :file:`class.ext_update.php` solution. Removal of this functionality within the extension manager has been long overdue and is finally done with TYPO3 v11. Impact ====== The :file:`class.ext_update.php` was an old way for extensions to perform upgrade steps. The TYPO3 core no longer supports this API. Affected Installations ====================== Some old-style extensions may still rely on this script. It's usage has been discouraged since the new upgrade wizards API. Migration ========= Migrate :file:`class.ext_update.php` to the :ref:`upgrade wizard API of the Install Tool `. .. index:: PHP-API, NotScanned, ext:extensionmanager