.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-92435: ====================================================== Deprecation: #92435 - StandaloneView for EmailFinisher ====================================================== See :issue:`92435` Description =========== The :php:`EmailFinisher` class of EXT:form was extended for the possibility to use FluidEmail in TYPO3 v10. Therefore the previously used StandaloneView has now been marked as deprecated along with the configuration option :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename`. Impact ====== Using the StandaloneView will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Using :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename` for custom templates will also trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected Installations ====================== All installations not already using FluidEmail for the EXT:form EmailFinisher. Migration ========= Adjust your finisher configuration to use FluidEmail by setting :yaml:`useFluidEmail: true`. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: useFluidEmail: false After: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: useFluidEmail: true For custom templates, replace :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename` with :yaml:`templateName` and :yaml:`templateRootPaths`. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishersDefinition: EmailToReceiver: options: templatePathAndFilename: EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Email/ContactForm.html After: .. code-block:: yaml finishersDefinition: EmailToReceiver: options: templateName: ContactForm templateRootPaths: 100: 'EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Email/' .. index:: YAML, NotScanned, ext:form