.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-93837: ========================================================= Deprecation: #93837 - special property of TCA type select ========================================================= See :issue:`93837` Description =========== The :php:`special` property of TCA type :php:`select` was introduced to enrich the items array with dynamic values, e.g. the available site languages or page types. Since this usually is exactly what an :php:`itemsProcFunc` does, all those options are migrated to such functions, removing complexity from the TCA :php:`select` type. As these options are mainly for internal use in the backend user and backend usergroup records, the new :php:`itemsProcFunc` functions are marked as :php:`@internal`. This means, they are not considered public API and therefore not part of TYPO3s backwards compatibility promise. The only option which is considered public API is :php:`special=languages`, which was already migrated to the new TCA type :php:`language` in :issue:`57082`. Impact ====== Using the TCA property :php:`special` inside the :php:`[columns][config]` section of columns with TCA type :php:`select` triggers a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. When extending :php:`AbstractItemProvider` and directly calling :php:`addItemsFromSpecial()`, also a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error will be raised. The extension scanner will also detect such calls. Affected Installations ====================== All installations using the :php:`special` property with TCA type :php:`select` or directly calling :php:`AbstractItemProvider->addItemsFromSpecial()`. Migration ========= While it's very unlikely that the :php:`special` property with another option than :php:`languages` is used in custom extension code, you nevertheless have to replace them with a :php:`itemsProcFunc` in such case. Either by creating your own implementation or by copying the one from Core. Have a look at the :php:`index_config` TCA configuration in EXT:indexed_search how this can be achieved. You can also find detailed information about :php:`itemsProcFunc` in the documentation_. .. _documentation: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tca/main/en-us/ColumnsConfig/CommonProperties/ItemsProcFunc.html .. index:: Backend, TCA, FullyScanned, ext:backend