.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-93975: =============================================== Deprecation: #93975 - TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged() =============================================== See :issue:`93975` Description =========== The JavaScript function :js:`TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged()` is a precursor of the rewritten FormEngine that started with TYPO3 v7 already. Now, FormEngine has proper change handling which renders the function :js:`TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged()` obsolete, thus this function became marked as deprecated. Impact ====== Using :js:`TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged()` will trigger a deprecation entry in the browser's console. Affected Installations ====================== Every installation with 3rd-party extensions installed using this function is affected. Migration ========= It is possible to trigger the :js:`change` event on the given field, if FormEngine is unable to detect changes automatically. Example: .. code-block:: javascript // Previous invocation TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged('table', 'field_name', 42); // Migrate to event-based handling document .querySelector('[name="data[table][field_name][42]"]') .dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true})); .. index:: Backend, JavaScript, NotScanned, ext:backend