.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-94081: =========================================== Feature: #94081 - TCA readOnly for t3editor =========================================== See :issue:`94081` Description =========== The TCA :php:`'type' => 'text'` (texarea) based FormEngine render type :php:`'renderType' => 't3editor'` now supports the :php:`'readOnly' => true` option. If set, syntax highlighting is applied as usual, but the corresponding text can not be edited. Example: .. code-block:: php 't3editor_2' => [ 'label' => 't3editor_2', 'description' => 'readOnly=true', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'renderType' => 't3editor', 'format' => 'html', 'readOnly' => true, ], ], Impact ====== This minor feature allows rendering highlighted code without the edit option. .. index:: Backend, TCA, ext:backend