.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-94428: =================================================================== Feature: #94428 - Extbase Request implements ServerRequestInterface =================================================================== See :issue:`94428` Description =========== The Extbase :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Request` now implements the PSR-7 :php:`ServerRequestInterface` and thus holds all request related information of the main Core request in addition to the plugin namespace specific Extbase arguments. Impact ====== This allows getting information of the main request especially within Extbase controllers from :php:`$this->request`. Developers of Fluid ViewHelpers can now retrieve the main PSR-7 request in many contexts from :php:`$renderingContext->getRequest()`, in addition to the Extbase specific information specified by :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Request\RequestInterface`. Note that with future patches, the request assigned to ViewHelper :php:`RenderingContext` may NOT implement Extbase :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Request\RequestInterface` anymore, and only PSR-7 :php:`ServerRequestInterface`. This will be the case when the ViewHelper is not called from within an Extbase plugin, but when Fluid is started as "standalone view" in non-extbase based plugins: Often in backend scenarios like toolbars, doc headers, non-extbase modules, etc. Extensions should thus test for instance of Extbase :php:`RequestInterface` if they don't know the context and rely on Extbase specific request data. .. index:: PHP-API, ext:extbase