.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-95351: =============================================================== Deprecation: #95351 - Custom JSWindow options in HMENU settings =============================================================== See :issue:`95351` Description =========== The common HMENU settings for each HMENU level :typoscript:`JSWindow` (including sub-properties) and :typoscript:`target` with a value such as :typoscript:`target = 200x300`, to be set on for example TMENU properties have been marked as deprecated. Examples: .. code-block:: php page.123 = HMENU page.123.1 = TMENU page.123.1.JSWindow = 1 page.123.1.JSWindow.params = width=200,height=300,status=0,menubar=0 page.123 = HMENU page.123.1 = TMENU page.123.1.target = 200x300 Impact ====== Calling a frontend page with a HMENU and JSwindow popups will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected Installations ====================== TYPO3 installations with a HMENU and JSwindow settings which are configured via TypoScript, which is highly unlikely. Migration ========= Use an external JavaScript file with an event listener to achieve the same functionality. .. index:: Frontend, TypoScript, NotScanned, ext:frontend