.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-96149: ================================================================ Breaking: #96149 - EXT:form EmailFinisher always uses FluidEmail ================================================================ See :issue:`96149` Description =========== In recent versions, the :php:`EmailFinisher` of EXT:form allowed sending emails with either :php:`StandaloneView` or via :php:`FluidEmail`, which has been introduced in TYPO3 v10. The :php:`StandaloneView` option has therefore now been removed together with the :file:`Html.html` and :file:`Plaintext.html` templates. Impact ====== Since the EXT:form :php:`EmailFinisher` is now always using :php:`FluidEmail` for sending emails, the :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename` is not evaluated anymore. For forms, which still define custom templates with this option, a fallback kicks in, sending the emails with the default EXT:form :php:`FluidEmail` templates. Also the :yaml:`useFluidEmail` configuration option, previously used to allow a smooth migration path is now obsolete and can safely be removed from any form finisher configuration. Affected Installations ====================== Installations, which have not yet switched to :php:`FluidEmail`, while using custom email templates, configured with :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename`. Migration ========= In case you use custom email templates, replace :yaml:`templatePathAndFilename` with the :yaml:`templateName` and :yaml:`templateRootPaths` options. Also make sure, you have separate template files for the used formats, e.g. :file:`ContactForm.html` and :file:`ContactForm.txt`. .. index:: YAML, NotScanned, ext:form