.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-96831: =================================================================== Breaking: #96831 - Enforce HTML sanitizer during frontend rendering =================================================================== See :issue:`96831` Description =========== TYPO3 security fix `TYPO3-CORE-SA-2021-013 `_ introduced Composer package `typo3/html-sanitizer` to mitigate cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in rich-text content. In order to relax the strict invocation, a corresponding feature flag has been added in a follow-up release - which only was a temporary solution. The feature flag `security.frontend.htmlSanitizeParseFuncDefault` is dropped, and content processing via TypoScript :typoscript:`stdWrap.parseFunc` now enables HTML sanitization per default in case it has not been disabled explicitly in corresponding invocation. Sites that used a version prior to TYPO3 v12.0 received a corresponding deprecation message already. Impact ====== Rich-text content processed with TypoScript :typoscript:`stdWrap.parseFunc` is HTML sanitized per default. Feature flag `security.frontend.htmlSanitizeParseFuncDefault` does not have any effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== All scenarios that use TypoScript :typoscript:`stdWrap.parseFunc`, a direct invocation via PHP of :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::parseFunc()` or Fluid view-helper :html:``. Migration ========= The following documents already tackled and described the scenario and implications: * :doc:`9.5.x: Important: #94484 - Introduce HTML Sanitizer <../9.5.x/Important-94484-IntroduceHTMLSanitizer>` * :doc:`12.0: Breaking: #96520 - Enforce non-empty configuration in cObj::parseFunc ` .. index:: Frontend, TypoScript, NotScanned, ext:frontend