.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-98193-1661262696: ============================================================= Breaking: #98193 - Persistent storage module returns Promises ============================================================= See :issue:`98193` Description =========== The methods of the JavaScript module :js:`@typo3/backend/storage/persistent` now return native :js:`Promise` objects where jQuery-based promises were returned previously. This requires migration of any code using the returned jQuery promise. This affects the following methods: * :js:`set()` * :js:`addToList()` * :js:`unset()` Impact ====== Using callbacks of jQuery-based promises (:js:`done`, :js:`fail` or :js:`always`) will trigger JavaScript errors, as native :js:`Promise` objects don't know these callbacks. Affected installations ====================== All extensions using any of the aforementioned methods and relying on the returned objects are affected. Migration ========= In most cases, changing the method name of the callback is sufficient, where the following rules apply: +-----------------------+-----------------+ | jQuery-based callback | Native callback | +=======================+=================+ | done() | then() | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | fail() | catch() | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | always() | finally() | +-----------------------+-----------------+ .. index:: Backend, JavaScript, NotScanned, ext:backend