.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-98455-1664350742: ================================================================ Breaking: #98455 - Changed definition of FormEngine suggest item ================================================================ See :issue:`98455` Description =========== The definition of an item used in the FormEngine auto-suggest list has changed. The following properties are unused now and were therefore removed: * `text` - contained a pre-composed text including markup rendered in an result item * `style` - was unused already * `class` - was unused already * `sprite` - contained a pre-composed markup of the icon being rendered The property `icon` is added and is an array containing the `identifier` of an icon and optionally an `overlay` identifier. Example: .. code-block:: php $icon = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord($this->table, $row, Icon::SIZE_SMALL); $entry = [ // ... 'icon' => [ 'identifier' => $icon->getIdentifier(), 'overlay' => $icon->getOverlayIcon()?->getIdentifier(), ], ]; Impact ====== The removed properties `text`, `style`, `class`, and `sprite` are ignored if still supplied by custom suggest wizards. Also, the `icon` property must be provided. The removed property `text` also affects potential :php:`renderFunc` callbacks configured in the field's TCA. Affected installations ====================== All extensions having a custom suggest wizard or providing a :php:`renderFunc` are affected. Migration ========= Albeit rarely used, custom suggest wizards need to adjust the suggest items in their :php:`queryTable()` method. Potential render methods defined in the TCA field's :php:`renderFunc` config may not manipulate an entry's `text` property. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, NotScanned, ext:backend