.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-96641-1: =============================================================== Deprecation: #96641 - Unused Hook related UrlProcessorInterface =============================================================== See :issue:`96641` Description =========== The hook :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['urlProcessing']['urlProcessors']` required hook implementations to implement :php:`UrlProcessorInterface`. Since the mentioned hook is :doc:`removed <../12.0/Breaking-96641-TypoLinkRelatedHooksRemoved>`, the interface is not in use anymore and has been marked as deprecated. Impact ====== The extension scanner will now notify any extension, which might still use the PHP interface. Affected Installations ====================== TYPO3 installations using the PHP interface in custom extension code. Migration ========= The PHP interface is still available for TYPO3 v12.x, so extensions can provide a version which is compatible with TYPO3 v11 (using the hook) and TYPO3 v12.x (using the new :doc:`PSR-14 event <../12.0/Feature-96641-NewPSR-14EventForModifyingLinks>`), at the same time. Remove any usage of the PHP interface and use the new PSR-14 event to avoid any further problems in TYPO3 v13+. .. index:: Frontend, FullyScanned, ext:frontend