.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-91077: ================================================================================= Feature: #91077 - Element browser entry points for TCA types "group" and "folder" ================================================================================= See :issue:`91077` Description =========== The TCA types "group" and "folder" allow an editor to create references to folders or records from multiple tables in the system. By default, an editor can select those records by either using the suggest wizard or with the element browser. The latter displays the page or folder tree (depending on the fields' configuration). The editor can then select a page or folder to select records / folders from. By default, the last selected page / folder is used when opening the element browser. However, there are usually "storage pages" in each system, which contain records of one specific type, e.g. a storage for news records. Therefore, the editor always has to search for this particular page, which might take some time, especially in systems with large page trees. This situation has now been improved by introducing a new TCA field configuration `elementBrowserEntryPoints` for the TCA types "group" and "folder". It's a PHP :php:`array`, containing `table => id` pairs. When opening the element browser for a specific table (buttons below the group field), the defined page or folder is then always selected by default. There is also the special `_default` key, used for the general element browser button (on the right side of the group field), which is not dedicated to a specific table. Making this even more useful, the new configuration also supports the known markers `###SITEROOT###`, `###CURRENT_PID###` and `###PAGE_TSCONFIG_###`. Additionally, the configuration is also added to FormEngine's "allowOverrideMatrix". This means, each `table => id` pair can be overridden via page TSconfig. Let's see a simple example for a group field with one allowed table: .. code-block:: php 'simple_group' => [ 'label' => 'Simple group field', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'group', 'allowed' => 'tt_content', 'elementBrowserEntryPoints' => [ 'tt_content' => 123, ] ] ], This could then be overridden via page TSconfig: .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.my_table.simple_group.config.elementBrowserEntryPoints.tt_content = 321 Since only one table is allowed, the defined entry point is also automatically used for the general element browser button. In case the group field allows more than one table the `_default` key has to be set: .. code-block:: php 'extended_group' => [ 'label' => 'Extended group field', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'group', 'allowed' => 'tt_content,tx_news_domain_model_news', 'elementBrowserEntryPoints' => [ '_default' => '###CURRENT_PID###' // E.g. use a special marker 'tt_content' => 123, 'tx_news_domain_model_news' => 124, ] ] ], Of course, the `_default` key can also be overridden via page TSconfig: .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.my_table.extended_group.config.elementBrowserEntryPoints._default = 122 For TCA type "folder" one can also define an entry point with the `_default` key: .. code-block:: php 'folder_group' => [ 'label' => 'Folder group field', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'folder', 'elementBrowserEntryPoints' => [ '_default' => '1:/styleguide/' ] ] ], It's also possible to use a special TSconfig key: .. code-block:: php 'folder_group' => [ 'label' => 'Folder group field', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'folder', 'elementBrowserEntryPoints' => [ '_default' => '###PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID###' ] ] ], This key has then to be defined on field level: .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.my_table.folder_group.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID = 1:/styleguide/subfolder In case an allowed table has no entry point defined, the `_default` is used. In case `_default` is also not set or `elementBrowserEntryPoints` is not used at all, the previous behaviour applies. Impact ====== Editors workflow for selecting records or folders in TCA types "group" and "folder" fields can now be improved by defining default entry points for tables and folders. .. index:: TCA, ext:backend