.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-94117: ============================================================= Feature: #94117 - Improve Extbase type converter registration ============================================================= See :issue:`94117` Description =========== Extbase type converters are an important part of the Extbase data and property mapping mechanism. Those converters usually convert data from simple types to objects or other simple types. Extension authors can add their own type converters. This was previously done by registering the type converter class in the :file:`ext_localconf.php` file and adding the configuration, such as the `sourceType`, the `targetType` or the `priority` as class properties, accessible via public methods. This has now been improved. Type converters are now registered as container services in the extension's :file:`Services.yaml` file by tagging the service with :yaml:`extbase.type_converter` and adding the configuration as tag attributes. This means, the registration via php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::registerTypeConverter()` can be removed together with the configuration related class properties and methods. See :doc:`changelog <../12.0/Breaking-94117-RegisterExtbaseTypeConvertersAsServices>` for more information. Impact ====== Registration is now done in your :file:`Services.yaml` like the following: .. code-block:: yaml services: Vendor\Extension\Property\TypeConverter\MyBooleanConverter: tags: - name: extbase.type_converter priority: 10 target: boolean sources: boolean,string .. tip:: Tag arguments (priority, target, sources, etc.) have to be simple types. Don't register the sources as array but as comma separated list as shown in the example. .. note:: Since the configuration (priority, target and sources) are now done at this place, respective type converter properties are now superfluous and will also no longer be evaluated. See the :doc:`deprecation changelog <../12.0/Deprecation-94117-RegisterExtbaseTypeConvertersAsServices>` for more information. .. index:: PHP-API, ext:extbase