.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-96465: ========================================== Feature: #96465 - New Linkvalidator module ========================================== See :issue:`96465` Description =========== Checking a TYPO3 installation for broken links is a common and necessary task for editors. Therefore, TYPO3 provides the "linkvalidator" system extension, which allows to check and report broken links via the TYPO3 backend or via email. Previously, the backend part was built into the :guilabel:`Web > Info` module. To make "linkvalidator" more prominent, its functionality is now available in an independent backend module :guilabel:`Web > Check links` . This also allows administrators to define access permissions via the module access logic. The new module still contains the two known functions "report" and "check links". However, those are no longer divided by tabs, but as all other modules, by different actions, which can be selected using the corresponding dropdown in the docheader. Impact ====== The linkvalidator reports are now available in an independent backend module. .. index:: Backend, ext:linkvalidator