.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-96515-1657733886: ================================================================ Feature: #96515 - Aliases for Backend Routes and Backend Modules ================================================================ See :issue:`96515` Description =========== TYPO3 Backend Module and Routing functionality now allows to define a different route identifier (e.g. "record_edit") or module identifier (e.g. "web_layout" as the identifier for the Page Module) while also defining aliases for any previous identifier. This is especially important when a module identifier should be changed to use a proper naming, reflecting the actual module, while keeping any links from within TYPO3's Backend extensions - e.g. third-party - to continue to work. An upgrade wizard allows to continuously verify backend user and backend group permissions when a module identifier has been changed, as long as the previous identifier is added as an alias to the :doc:`module configuration <../12.0/Feature-96733-NewBackendModuleRegistrationAPI>`. Impact ====== The new array key :php:`aliases` in module and route configurations can be used to provide support for different names, which ultimately allows to rename route and module identifiers, since the old identifier can still be used to reference them. Example for a new module identifier within :file:`Configuration/Backend/Modules.php`: .. code-block:: php return [ 'workspaces_admin' => [ 'parent' => 'web', ... // choose the previous name or an alternative name 'aliases' => ['web_WorkspacesWorkspaces'], ], ]; Example for a route alias identifier within :file:`Configuration/Backend/Routes.php`: .. code-block:: php return [ 'file_editcontent' => [ 'path' => '/file/editcontent', 'aliases' => ['file_edit'], ], ]; .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, ext:backend