.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-96904: ========================================================= Feature: #96904 - Backend toolbar items are request aware ========================================================= See :issue:`96904` Description =========== When registering own toolbar items to the TYPO3 backend top bar, classes can now retrieve the current PSR-7 request by implementing :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Toolbar\RequestAwareToolbarItemInterface`. This is especially useful when rendering views using :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\BackendViewFactory` which depends on current request. Impact ====== The TYPO3 Core encourages to use :php:`BackendViewFactory` instead of :php:`StandaloneView` when toolbar items of extensions use Fluid templates. :php:`BackendViewFactory` has a dependency to current request, so :php:`RequestAwareToolbarItemInterface` should be implemented to receive the current request from TYPO3 EXT:backend. Doing so enables the :doc:`template overrides by TSconfig feature <../12.0/Feature-96812-OverrideBackendTemplatesWithTSconfig>`. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, ext:backend