.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-96935: ============================================================= Feature: #96935 - New registration for linkvalidator linktype ============================================================= See :issue:`96935` Description =========== The system extension `linkvalidator` uses so called `linktypes` for checking different types of links, e.g. internal or external links. All `linktypes` have to implement the :php:`LinktypeInterface`. This fact is now used to automatically register the `linktypes`, based on the interface, if :yaml:`autoconfigure` is enabled in :file:`Services.yaml`. Alternatively, one can manually tag a custom `linktype` with the :yaml:`linkvalidator.linktype` tag (see section "Migration" in the :doc:`breaking changelog `). Due to the autoconfiguration, the identifier has to be provided by the class directly, using the now required :php:`getIdentifier()` method. When extending :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Linkvalidator\Linktype\AbstractLinktype` it's sufficient to set the `$identifier` class property. Impact ====== `linktypes` are now automatically registered through the service configuration, based on the implemented interface. .. index:: Backend, LocalConfiguration, PHP-API, ext:linkvalidator