.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-97306: ================================================= Feature: #97306 - Refresh the look of page module ================================================= See :issue:`97306` Description =========== The readability of the page module interface has been simplified and optimized. It is based on the UX Team's concept of improving user experience for editors. Further links to the page module concept and official communication: * First step page module `simplification `__ with screenshots * Promotion of page module `pilot `__ Impact ====== * Underlying CSS is refactored and optimized for future adaptations. * Content element boxes and their header buttons are visually simplified. * Hidden content elements are now differentiated with a better opacity and a dotted border. * :guilabel:`New Content` buttons were placed in the centre in preparation for implementation of later concepts. * A new button for the content element context menu is added in the content element header right button bar. .. index:: Backend, ext:backend