.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-97922-1657706124: ================================================================================ Feature: #97922 - Improve performance and usability while editing sys_filemounts ================================================================================ See :issue:`97922` Description =========== The two fields :sql:`base` and :sql:`path` of the :sql:`sys_filemounts` table are now combined in one new field :sql:`identifier`. The field contains the so called combined identifier in the format `base:path`, where "base" is the storage ID and "path" the path to the folder, e.g. `1:/user_upload`. An upgrade wizard is in place, migrating the two fields of existing records into the new field. The TCA type `folder` is used in the backend form to select the entry point. Impact ====== Editing :sql:`sys_filemounts` records in the backend is improved. Instead of selecting the storage first, reloading the form and selecting the entry point in a possibly large list afterwards, are users now able to select the entry point using the folder browser in a single step. This additionally improves the performance of the backend form, especially for storages with a huge amount of folders. .. index:: Backend, TCA, ext:core