.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-98613: =================================================================== Deprecation: #98613 - CKEditor removePlugin configuration as string =================================================================== See :issue:`98613` Description =========== The :yaml:`removePlugins` option needs to be assigned as an array in CKEditor 5. While we recommended passing the option already as an array, CKEditor 4 needed a comma-separated string. The conversion was only handled if the integrator passed an array, which means if someone already provided a comma-separated string the option was simply passed as-is to the editor configuration. To avoid JavaScript errors, we are going to migrate it to array for now. The possibility to pass the option as a string is deprecated and will be removed with TYPO3 v13. Impact ====== Passing the CKEditor configuration :yaml:`removePlugins` as string will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected installations ====================== All installations that pass the CKEditor configuration :yaml:`removePlugins` as string. Migration ========= Adjust your CKEditor configuration and pass :yaml:`removePlugins` as array. Before ------ .. code-block:: yaml editor: config: removePlugins: image After ----- .. code-block:: yaml editor: config: removePlugins: - image .. index:: RTE, NotScanned, ext:rte_ckeditor