.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-99031-1667998430: ================================================================= Deprecation: #99031 - Deprecated f:format.html in Backend context ================================================================= See :issue:`99031` Description =========== The :html:`` ViewHelper :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Format\HtmlViewHelper` should not be used in TYPO3 backend context anymore. Using this ViewHelper in backend context triggers frontend :typoscript:`parseFunc` logic, which should be avoided in the backend. There are other ViewHelpers to output and parse HTML in backend context. See description of the :ref:`f:sanitize.html ` ViewHelper for more details. Impact ====== Using :html:`` logs a deprecation level warning. Affected installations ====================== Instances with extensions that come with backend modules using Fluid rendering and accessing :html:`` are affected. Migration ========= Switch to one of the other ViewHelpers instead, typically :html:`` to secure a given HTML string, :html:`` to parse links in HTML, or :html:`` to output the HTML as is when the input can be considered "secure". .. index:: Backend, Fluid, NotScanned, ext:fluid