.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-99050-1668086497: ========================================================================= Deprecation: #99050 - TypoScript _CSS_PAGE_STYLE and config.removePageCss ========================================================================= See :issue:`99050` Description =========== Integrators can use the TypoScript setup plugin-level property :typoscript:`_CSS_PAGE_STYLE` to define custom CSS that is loaded in the frontend. To suppress this output, the additional property :typoscript:`config.removePageCss` (or :typoscript:`somePageObject.config.removePageCss`) can be used. Handling of both plugin-level :typoscript:`_CSS_PAGE_STYLE` and config object level property :typoscript:`removePageCss` have been marked as deprecated in TYPO3 v12 and will be removed in v13. Impact ====== Using a TypoScript property like :typoscript:`plugin.tx_myPlugin._CSS_PAGE_STYLE` or the config property :typoscript:`removePageCss` in :typoscript:`config.removePageCss` or in a page-specific usage like :typoscript:`myPage.config.removePageCss` triggers a deprecation level log entry. Affected installations ====================== TypoScript property :typoscript:`_CSS_PAGE_STYLE` is a relatively rarely used property in TYPO3 instances. Instances can use the :guilabel:`Template` backend module to scan for usages. Migration ========= Integrators should avoid using :typoscript:`_CSS_PAGE_STYLE` on plugin level. They should switch adding CSS on a :typoscript:`PAGE` level. A direct replacement looks like this: Before: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_myPlugin._CSS_PAGE_STYLE ( .myClass { text-align: center } ) After: .. code-block:: typoscript page.cssInline { 10 = TEXT 10.value ( .myClass { text-align: center } ) } As a general note, the :typoscript:`PAGE` property :typoscript:`includeCSS` is often better suited to include CSS as files, especially when frontend CSS is generated by some processor like SCSS. .. index:: TypoScript, NotScanned, ext:frontend