.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-99055-1668096727: ========================================================= Feature: #99055 - BackendController service tag attribute ========================================================= See :issue:`99055` Description =========== A new PHP attribute :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Attribute\AsController` has been added in order to register services to the BackendController dependency injection container. .. note:: In early TYPO3 v12 versions the attribute was named :php:`#[Controller]` and has later been renamed to :php:`#[AsController]`. Both work with TYPO3 v12, but developers should use :php:`#[AsController]` for upwards compatibility since :php:`#[Controller]` has been deprecated with TYPO3 v13. In addition to tag :yaml:`backend.controller` in the :file:`Services.yaml` file, tagging services as backend controller can be done like: Example implementation ---------------------- .. code-block:: php use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Attribute\AsController; #[AsController] class MyBackendController { } Impact ====== It is now possible to tag services as backend controller by the PHP attribute :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Attribute\AsController` instead of tagging them with :yaml:`backend.controller` in the :file:`Services.yaml` file. .. index:: Backend