.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-99084-1667981931: ======================================================== Feature: #99084 - Make context menu trigger configurable ======================================================== See :issue:`99084` Description =========== The context menu JavaScript API was adapted to also support opening the menu through the "contextmenu" event type (right click) only. Configuration for the context menu was streamlined and now reflects its purpose. The trigger can now be set to "click" or "contextmenu". New options ----------- :html:`data-contextmenu-trigger`: - :html:`click`: Opens the context menu on "click" and on "contextmenu" - :html:`contextmenu`: Opens the context menu only on "contextmenu" Examples -------- .. code-block:: html Click and Contextmenu .. code-block:: html Contextmenu only Impact ====== It is now possible to bind the context menu only to the event type "contextmenu". .. index:: Backend, JavaScript