.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-99811-1675447357: ============================================================ Deprecation: #99811 - Deprecate JavaScript bootstrap tooltip ============================================================ See :issue:`99811` Description =========== Bootstrap-related backend tooltips initiated with :html:`data-bs-toggle="tooltip"` together with the core JavaScript class :js:`typo3/backend/tooltip.js` have been marked as deprecated and should not be used anymore. Impact ====== Loading :js:`typo3/backend/tooltip.js` in a backend-related module will trigger a :js:`console.warn()`. The module will vanish in TYPO3 v13. Affected installations ====================== Instances with extensions that add backend modules using the bootstrap-related tooltips plugin may be affected. A typical sign for this is using the :html:`data-bs-toggle="tooltip"` attribute on elements, loading the JavaScript module :js:`typo3/backend/tooltip.js` and calling :js:`Tooltip.initialize()`. Migration ========= Some parts of the Core will fall back to the :html:`title` attribute for now. However, both the bootstrap tooltips as well as the title attribute raise accessibility concerns. See `MDN `_ for more information on this. The Core will continue to improve the situation. .. index:: Backend, JavaScript, NotScanned, ext:backend