.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-84594-1674211080: ====================================================== Feature: #84594 - Additional parameters to email links ====================================================== See :issue:`84594` Description =========== Editors in TYPO3 now have more possibilities to set options when creating a link to a specific email address, in accordance with the "mailto:" protocol. This way, editors can now pre-fill the fields "subject", "CC", "BCC" and "body" in the TYPO3 backend when creating a link to an email address, which are then percent-encoded to the actual email link. In addition, the `` ViewHelper has the same additional attributes as well: .. code-block:: html some custom content All of the properties and the link fields are optional. For custom email links, it is now also possible to restrict the additional options via TCA: Example configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: php 'header_link' => [ 'label' => 'Link', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'link', 'allowedTypes' => ['email'], 'size' => 50, 'appearance' => [ // new options are "body", "cc", "bcc" and "subject" 'allowedOptions' => ['body', 'cc'], ], ], ], Impact ====== Editors now have more flexibility when creating links to emails in the TYPO3 backend. Integrators have more flexibility when creating links within Fluid templates. .. index:: Backend