.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-97667-1678967840: ====================================================== Feature: #97667 - Add keyboard support for Multiselect ====================================================== See :issue:`97667` Description =========== You are able to use the keyboard for selecting and deselecting options in Multiselect. - :kbd:`Enter` adds options, either from right to left or left to right - :kbd:`Delete` or :kbd:`Backspace` removes an option for windows/mac users - :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`ArrowUp` moves the option one up - :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`ArrowDown` moves the option one down - :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`Shift` + :kbd:`ArrowUp` moves it to the top - :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`Shift` + :kbd:`ArrowDown` moves it to the bottom More combinations are possible by default: - :kbd:`Shift` + :kbd:`ArrowUp` includes the upper option - :kbd:`Shift` + :kbd:`ArrowDown` includes the lower option - :kbd:`Home` moves the cursor to the top - :kbd:`End` move the cursor to the bottom Impact ====== This currently affects the following TCA configurations: - :php:`'type' => 'select', 'renderType' => 'selectMultipleSideBySide'` - :php:`'type' => 'group'` - :php:`'type' => 'folder'` .. index:: TCA, ext:backend