.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-60152: ================================================================= Breaking: #60152 - GeneralUtility::formatSize is now locale aware ================================================================= See :issue:`60152` Description =========== The :code:`GeneralUtility::formatSize()` method now adheres to the currently set locale and selects the correct decimal separator symbol. This also applies to the TypoScript option :code:`stdWrap.bytes`, which uses the method internally, as well as the Filelist content element type. Impact ====== All output generated for locales, where the decimal separator is not a dot, will change to use the correct symbol. e.g. comma for German. Affected installations ====================== Any installation that uses the :code:`formatSize()` method in one of the ways mentioned. Migration ========= If you think you get the wrong decimal separator, ensure the locale is configured correctly and the locale really exists on the server. TypoScript option: :code:`config.locale` Commandline: `locale -a` .. index:: PHP-API, TypoScript