.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-62673: ===================================================== Breaking: #62673 - Deprecated extbase code is removed ===================================================== See :issue:`62673` Description =========== Generic\Qom\Statement --------------------- You may no longer use bound variables without using a prepared statement. ActionController ---------------- Support for old view configuration options templateRootPath, layoutRootPath and partialRootPath is dropped. Use the new options with fallback mechanism. Removed PHP classes ------------------- * QueryObjectModelConstantsInterface * QueryObjectModelFactoryInterface Removed PHP class members ------------------------- * ActionController::$viewObjectNamePattern is removed without replacement * Repository::$backend is removed, use persistence manager instead Removed PHP methods ------------------- * ObjectManager::create() is removed, use ObjectManager::get() instead * ObjectManagerInterface::create() is removed * Persistence\Generic\Backend::replaceObject() is removed without replacement * QuerySettingsInterface::setReturnRawQueryResult() is removed without replacement * QuerySettingsInterface::getReturnRawQueryResult() is removed, use the parameter on $query->execute() directly * Typo3QuerySettings::setSysLanguageUid() is removed, use setLanguageUid() instead * Typo3QuerySettings::getSysLanguageUid() is removed, use getLanguageUid() instead Impact ====== A call to any of the aforementioned methods by third party code will result in a fatal PHP error. Affected installations ====================== Any installation which contains third party code still using these deprecated methods. Migration ========= Replace the calls with the suggestions outlined above. .. index:: PHP-API, ext:extbase