.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-62800: ========================================================== Deprecation: #62800 - Workspaces ToolbarItem via ExtDirect ========================================================== See :issue:`62800` Description =========== The PHP functionality for switching a workspace was done with the ExtDirect call :code:`TYPO3.Ajax.ExtDirect.ToolbarMenu` until now. This has been replaced by a simple AJAX JSON call, based on jQuery and the refactored ToolbarItem Menu for the workspaces module. Impact ====== The core does not use this functionality anymore, and also removed the ExtDirect registration for this class. Affected installations ====================== All installations which directly used the ExtDirect :code:`TYPO3.Ajax.ExtDirect.ToolbarMenu` to fetch the data. Migration ========= Use the new AjaxHandler :code:`Workspaces::setWorkspace()` directly instead. .. index:: PHP-API, JavaScript, Backend, ext:workspaces